If you are seeing the error message 'Problem connecting with whois server' this usually means that your server is blocking access to the whois server.

Make sure that your Hosting is allowing to access port 43 and PHP fsockopen function is enabled.

DomainCart cannot be directly integrated into CMS software such as WordPress, Joomla etc. However there is a way you can have it working on your CMS software.

You can create a blank page on your CMS software and add following code: <iframe src ="http://www.domaincart.net/demo/order_simple.php" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"> <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p> </iframe>

Yes, you can do it by editing whois_servers.php file in a text editor.

No, you can only receive orders via email. Because we want to keep the script simple and flexible.